An innovative math teacher and MATHstreamer engages students and bridges learning gaps with math videos.
Many people think of TikTok as an app teenagers use to record trendy dances.
But Deidre Kelly, a 6th grade math teacher from Richmond, Texas, saw an opportunity in the famed app: What if she used it as a tool to raise student engagement?
With 11 years of experience under her belt, Ms. Kelly’s passion for teaching math shines through in her work in the classroom. Ms. Kelly sat down with us to discuss the future of math education, how she engages her over 1.4 million TikTok followers, and her excitement about being a MATHstreamer.
A math teacher with a family history
Why did you want to be a math teacher?
What got me into teaching math was my aunt, who was my 10th grade chemistry teacher.
Watching her passion for teaching and the strong relationships she built with her students—who were my friends—made me want that as well. Because she can touch so many people just in one year and year after year, I could make an impact like that too.
I love the 6th grade level. It's my baby, and math is my passion.
TikTok: A platform for raising student engagement
Why did you start your TikTok account, which now has 1.4 million followers?
My students were really into TikTok and kept asking me to join. But to me, the app seemed more about dancing and music.
In 2020, during COVID, when schools shut down and we were all at home, I wondered how I could still reach my students, and I knew they were all constantly on TikTok.
I thought it would be funny if they saw my face, teaching them math while they were scrolling. So, I did it, and they loved it. It just kept blowing up from there.
What is your ultimate goal on TikTok?
I want to show future math teachers what it's like in the classroom. I show what I'm doing in the classroom to make it fun and engaging.
Right now, the education field is hard, and we need more educators. If I can show my passion for my students, then maybe I can inspire others to get into the education field, just as my aunt did for me.
Math education is for all kids
What's a core belief that you carry as a math teacher?
I know that all kids are different, and they all learn in different ways. But I feel that all kids can learn, no matter what.
I teach a variety of kids, from my inclusion students to my gifted and talented students, so there’s a lot of differentiation going on. So I believe all students can learn and grow—mainly grow.
I always say practice makes progress because the goal is not about passing but about growth.
What's one of your favorite ways to get students engaged?
I have LED glow lights in my classroom, and it’s actually not that hard to prep.
I’ve also seen a lot of educators do Glow Day, where they deck out the room and have a bunch of stations going on, so you can use it for that.
So sometimes, I give students glow-in-the-dark dry-erase markers and a whiteboard, and I write random questions on the board. And we're just practicing. We're just getting in the rhythm of everything. And they’re so much more engaged, because now they have glow-in-the dark markers.
MATHstream and student engagement: A perfect match
What do you think about MATHstream?
I'm excited about MATHstream because it's definitely different than what's already out there.
It's bringing real-life math teachers in front of students, actually teaching them the curriculum that they’re currently learning or need to learn.
They’re not just playing games and trying to get to the next level. So if they’re not understanding, they have a teacher who's breaking down a concept just like their math teacher at school.
I think it's gonna change the game.
How can MATHstream help math teachers?
MATHstream helps math teachers extend their reach by giving students personalized learning pathways.
It's hard if you have 20 to 30 students in a room, and some students have already mastered that lesson, while there's a group that hasn't.
With MATHstream, students who have already mastered a lesson can progress to the next one, while those who are struggling can use MATHstream to bridge the gap.
How does MATHstream engage students?
We—the MATHstream teachers—we’re already passionate. And we’re showing it. So I feel kids will be engaged because they can just see our personalities and our excitement and start feeling like they actually know us.
Empowering girls for STEM fields
What makes you excited about the future of math education?
One thing I'm excited about in math education is empowering girls.
My students see me in math, and I want them to know—especially the girls—that they can pursue STEM fields and get into science, technology, engineering, and math. It's not just for men, and women can even do better than them.
If I can push them that way, I feel like I can see the future heading to where the future is women.
We are delighted that Ms. Kelly is one of our MATHstream teachers!
Want to unleash your students' full potential and learn more about MATHstream? Our interactive, game-based video streaming program adapts to students in real time and motivates them to test new skills while math teachers can easily track student progress.
A former Spanish teacher who is currently based in the Washington DC metropolitan area. She has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Spanish Language and Literature from la Universidad del Zulia and a Master's degree in Spanish Linguistics from the University of Colorado at Boulder. Her interests include SEL education in the world language classroom, theater, and finding ways to make the world a less scary place.
Explore more related to this authorI know that all kids are different, and they all learn in different ways. But I feel that all kids can learn, no matter what.
Deidre Kelly, 6th Grade Math Teacher and MATHStreamer
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